Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bad Words

I think cancer is a word you whisper, it is a scary word even then so I try not to say it much, especially out loud. There are a few words that bother me when I say them, some for their meaning some for the sound they make and some for the way they feel in my mouth.

Words like "rural", it doesn't even sound like a real word to me, it sounds like a partial word. "Budgeted" is another I hate, I can't stop the keeps going in my mouth and it comes out as budgetedededed. "Moist" is another, I don't want anything moist except for a towelette after eating ribs...and I can use the word "wet" and convey the same message, "moist" is dead to me. "Astigmatism" or "A stigmatism" or "An astigmatism", hate them all, can't figure it out, sounds strange to me every way.

"Squiggly", now that's a good word, "Baklava" another good one, and "Dad" of my favorites.

1 comment:

  1. Damn are not just a pretty face with AWESOME hair...I love these blogs because they give me an inside story on people I love...I am really proud of you in so many ways!
