Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Beach Snobs

Let me start by saying I like all beaches, some more than others but I like them all. So it makes me really mad when people diss on my beach...Myrtle Beach. I can hear some of you groaning now...Myrtle Beach is the "Redneck Riviera", the water is green, the beaches are too crowded, there are too many Wings and Eagles selling horrible t-shirts that comment on men's "Johnsons".

Well guess what? You are right, but that is not all Myrtle Beach is, to me MB is:

The place where i grew up every summer hanging out at the Arcade
Where I saw my first shooting star sitting on the beach at Ocean Lakes Campground
Painters Ice Cream
Where I first tasted crab legs
Where I got my freckles from getting sun burned because I was on the beach from 10:00am to 3:00 pm without sunscreen
Where me and my family, immediate and extended would wait in line for two hours just to eat at Nances in Calabash
Setting off $100 worth of fireworks on the 4th of July
Spending hours in Willards Fireworks buying said fireworks
Where i spent the better part of my early teenage years rocking at the Magic Attic
Where I waited patiently to hear the pipe organ at the Pavilion
Where I got my first job as a lifeguard at the waterslide Magic Mountain
Where I spent countless hours listening to Whitesnake while cruising the strip
Where I partied with all my friends at my high school graduation

Where I still love to go and reminisce and eat at Nances. I love you Myrtle Beach and nobody is changing my mind.

1 comment:

  1. What a trip down memory lane this morning...don't forget all the life lessons we learned by "not getting into cars with boys while on the strip"...and you didn't mention getting your first shark tooth necklace at the Gay Dolphin! I love you and miss you cuz...you amaze me with your ability to be so "Shelley" despite all that is swirling around you. You were born to blog!
